Our Core Values:  Excellence, Strength, Control, Quality, Inspiration

Remix Pilates is a boutique studio that offers a high-intensity, low-impact, transformational workout where you’ll see and feel results, inside and out!

Remix Pilates is a highly effective full-body workout designed to strengthen and tone all major muscle groups in 50 minutes. You will leave feeling stronger, leaner and more energized.

Remix focuses on core strength and targets each muscle group in a manner that “burns out” the muscles before moving on to the next muscle group. The emphasis on slow, controlled movements activates slow twitch muscle fibers which sculpt muscles rather than bulk them. Additionally, the slow controlled movements build muscle strength and stamina.

Remix uses the most sophisticated machines on the market to deliver a customizable low-impact, high-intensity workout for every age and fitness level.

We welcome individuals of all ages, abilities, and fitness levels, creating an environment where everyone feels comfortable and encouraged to explore the benefits of Modern Pilates.

Downtown Boca Group Pilates Class
Total Body Core Workout Boca Raton

Why Choose Remix Modern Pilates:

  • Increase muscular strength and endurance
  • Strengthen the core
  • Improve cardiovascular efficiency
  • Increase metabolic rate
  • Balance
  • Increase muscle tone and definition
  • Increase coordination
  • Improve body leanness
  • Build mental strength
  • Improve self-image, self-esteem and self confidence

What is Remix Modern Pilates:

Remix Pilates is not your grandma’s Pilates! Remix is a high-intensity, low impact workout that increases muscular strength and endurance.

It is adaptable to most fitness levels as modifications can be made to increase or decrease the default level of resistance.

Classes are intense and intentionally sequenced to stimulate each muscle group in a way that “burns out” a group before moving on to the next muscle group. Remix Pilates provides a full body workout in the most effective and efficient way.

Downtown Boca Pilates
Boca Raton Best Pilates - Remix Modern Pilates

What Makes Remix Different From Traditional Pilates:

  • Remix is a high-intensity, low-impact workout that is cardiovascular. Pilates is not considered to be a cardiovascular workout. The high intensity exercises give big health benefits with less time spent exercising.
  • Remix is a muscular and an endurance workout. Traditional Pilates is not considered to be such.
  • Little transition times between exercises keeps the heart rate elevated and muscles activated during the entire workout.

Purchase your class today!


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Working hours

Monday – Friday:
07:00 – 21:00

07:00 – 16:00

Sunday Closed

Our socials